- Visiting places like Vancouver and Hawaii
- Playing gigs all around Germany (with a lot more to come)
- Releasing my first own written track
- going to multiple festivals
- spending time with my loved ones
These are the things that make my life worth living
Thank you!
2025, I`m more than ready🔥🔥
#vacation #marlix #dj #hardstyle #music #mc #rawstyle #electrifinityfestival #hardwithfriends #hwf #canada #hawaii #royalcaribbean #honolulu #waikiki #friends

Festival Season 2024 - Memories ♥️
#festival #festivalseason #musicfestival #music #edm #hardstyle #festivalvibes #friends #festivalfashion #happy #love #tomorrowland #intentsfestival #electriclove

Das Jahr ist vorbei – ein Jahr voller Reisen, unvergesslicher Erlebnisse und neuer Begegnungen. Etliche Hotels, tausende von Kilometern und unzählige Momente, die für immer in Erinnerung bleiben.
Ein großes Dankeschön an alle, die Teil dieses Abenteuers waren und es so besonders gemacht haben!
Lasst uns gemeinsam zurückblicken und die schönsten Momente feiern.
See you in 2025 🎆🎆
#2024 #dance #openbeatz #springbreakisland #video #music #summer #festival #sony #videography

‼️ 2024 ‼️
Jetzta ischs glei voll rum! 😂💪🏼🔥
Das war ein Jahr Family… wiedermal unterschiedlicher als jedes Jahr zuvor! Unendlich viele unerwartete Überraschungen, Höhen und Tiefen. Aber 1 ist dieses Jahr gewachsen… unser unerschütterterer Zusammenhalt denn wir haben eine Mission!
Mission… euch beweisen das es nicht auf den Genre ankommt sondern auf das große Ganze! 🤩🫵🏼 und das wird 2025 noch mehr in den Vordergrund rücken!
❤️ Rebels Of Rave! Diese Veranschaulichung einer Show und eines Stils ist unsere Geschichte ❤️
Oft genug können wir euch allen gar nicht danken für den ständigen Support! Aber wir sagen es gerne erneut 😘🫵🏼
🔥V I E L E N🔥
🔥D A N K🔥
🔥F A M I L Y 🔥
Jetzt rutschen wir gut rein und dann gibt’s schon jede Menge dicke News 🙂↔️ 📸&🎥 by musikmediaevents & evekley

War echt ein toller Abend und ein gelungener Abschluss für EFF 2024.
Wartet ab was euch auf dem EFF 2025 alles erwarten wird.

Hands in the air if you are ready for the weekend?
Friday: new release cafedeanatolia POWWOW with jules_music_official
Saturday: t_club_discothek 💯
📸 neokurz
🕶️ optikmeisterei vavaeyewear
#dj #producer #salkin #me #boy #dream #festival #afrohouse

#dj #producer #festival #salkinlife #munich #futurerave #club #salkin #me #MainStage #prague #duplex

always jumping around on stage 😮💨 electrifinityfestival 2024 was fire ☺️
#dj #producer #festival #salkinlife #club #futurerave #me #electrifinityfestival

Ein Gedanke ist wie ein Virus: resistent, hochansteckend und die kleinste Saat eines Gedanken kann wachsen.
Er kann dich aufbauen oder zerstören.
#christian ⚜️ #buddha
#trust • #integrity • #passion • #loyalty
#respect #honneur #fidelite #SécuritéPremiereClass #PrivateSecurityCompany #closeprotection #eventprotection #gateguard #doorman #prävention #intervention #investigation #international #instructeur #coach #mentor #mindset #studying #training #life #love #art #artist ❤️🙏🏼🌹

Main Stage, Electrifinity Festival, BassWar & CaoX...
Dem strömenden Regen zum Trotz liefern sie weiter ab - gigantisch!
Freue mich aufs nächste Mal!
#festival #electrifinity #electrifinityfestival #photography #basswarcaox #activatedrecords #festivalphotography

so sick how many people listening „resonate“ day by day! Thank you 😮💨 we reached 200.000+ streams beside the massive supports of many big names in the industry!
mairee.dj jules_music_official
#dj #melodictechno #festival #producer #spotify #munich #salkinlife

electrifinityfestival was fire 🔥 Have you already heard the extended version of RESONATE? Out now on all platforms 🤘🏽
📸 neokurz
#dj #producer #sick #festival #fire #electrifinity #eff24 #salkinlife

SITDOWN at electrifinityfestival 🔥
Tested a new remix of „Multiply“ by beckyhill ✴️
Tag her under this video and hopefully she will give it a listen 🤘🏽 📸 neokurz
#dj #producer #salkin #festival #club #electrifinity #eff24

Super important question: DOES IT STILL SLAP? 📢🚀
Had so much fun playing at electrifinityfestival this year 🔥 A HUGE thank you to everyone who visited me at the MainStage for listening to some good House Music ⚡️⚡️
Next up 🗓️ : bootshaus Cologne - 26th July ⚡️ at Dreherei Floor hosted by danth 🚀
🎥 by jvckpotz ⚡️

Eins ist sicher, wir sind nicht nur für die Musik geboren, sondern auch für die Leidenschaft❤️
Vielen Dank electrifinityfestival für das unvergessliche Festival😍🔥
#edmfestival #edm #isek #tiktok #electricfinity #badaibling #friends #ostblockschlampen #zweiengelundcharly

Here we f***ing go! Where do we meet? 🤘🏽🔥
#dj #producer #festival #croatia #austria #germany #munich #salkinlife #melodictechno #futurerave

Electricfinity 2024 🌋
electrifinityfestival #electrifinity #eff #badaibling #electrifinityfestival #festival #festivalsummer #festivalseason #musicfestival #hardstyle #rawstyle #hardstylegirl #edm #music #festivaloutfit #festivalfashion #festivalseason #festivalstyle #festivalmakeup #makeup #outfit

More shots from electrifinityfestival ⚡️🚀 Comment 🔥 if you feel the vibe ❤️🔥
It was a blast! 💥 and I am more than thankful to be back at this amazing festival every year 😍 onto many more ⚡️⚡️
1. We need more fire 🔥
2. Best crowd in the world ❤️🔥
3. Wababab bawababab 🥴
4. Playing „Need Your Love“ live for the first time 😍
5. Another drop video to bother you 😵💫
6. Cute picture with the fam ❤️
Felt cute, might delete later 🥸
🎥: jvckpotz
📸: wayne_1313

electrifinityfestival 🤍
#electrifinity2024 #electrifinity #festival #fun #happy #girls #friends #beautifulpeople #goodvibes #dance #lifeyourlife #glitter #dj #moments #Music

After a week in Turkey and Tunisia playing some tunes on the Sea Breeze Festival and soaking up the sun, I went straight to the electrifinityfestival and then to the dna.club.muc . Thanks for dancing with me!
Pic 5 - song is coming out soon 🔥
See you 28.06 palaisclub_ & 29.06 mo_munich
📸 wayne_1313

#festival #festivaloutfit #electrifinity2024 #electrifinity #happy #fun #Party #dj #backstage #friends #vip #sunny #rain #goodvibes #obs #letsgo #jumper #partypeople #dance

Electrifinity Recap🔥
Maybe the wettest gig I`ve ever had😂
And thanks to you guys one of the best too🔥🔥🔥
📹✂️: djanesokura
#hardstyle #rawstyle #marlix #dj #euphoric #electrifinity #music #mc #festival #love #hardcore #euphorichardstyle

I am still overjoyed about winning the contest and having the honor of opening the Hardstyle Stage at the electrifinityfestival 🙌🏻🎉
It was an amazing experience! 🤯
I had a blast playing a back-to-back set with airquakemusic and getting to know the guys from activated_records
Thank you to everyone who supported us! 🩵🐺
📷 wayne_1313 Marc Wayne Schechtel

Electricfinity 2024 🌋 recap 🎬
#eff #electrifinity #electrifinityfestival #festival #festivals #festivalseason #festivallife #festivalvibes #musicfestival #edm #hardstyle #techno #festivalgirls #germany #badaibling electrifinityfestival

🎥: unrulz_productionz
#dj #chriselgreco #mainstage #techno #festival

Flashback to Electrifinity 2023 🌱🌿 #eff #electrifinity #electrifinityfestival #festival #festivals #festivalfashion #festivaloutfit #festivalseason #musicfestival #couple #couplegoals #festivalcouple #festivalgirls #badaibling #summer electrifinityfestival

Guys, the weekend was insane. I hope to be out again soon to show what I can do...🔥⚠️
I’m working hard in the studio and producing more bangers than ever 🪚⚒️⚠️
Thanks to the MC marlixofficial
📸 christian.l.schneid aloismg

What do you think I‘m saying here? Best comment wins an Apple 🍎⚡️🚀
Some shots from electrifinityfestival last weekend 🔥 it was a BLAST 🚀 thank you so much for having me and a HUGE thanks for everyone who came along to party to some good house tunes 🙏🏼 Shoutout to the best fam in the whole world ❤️🔥
📸 by wayne_1313 and jvckpotz
🎥 by jvckpotz

Festival season started.
Here’s my warm up electrifinityfestival with easy_natty behind the camera.
Are you warming up before dancing?
🎥: easy_natty
#shuffle #footwork #shuffleshapes #shuffling #shufflingshapes #freestyle #freestyledance #freestyleflow #shufflers #shuffler